A.A. HELPLINE DECATUR, IL (217) 615-0452
Welcome to Alcoholics Anonymous Area 21 District 11.
You will find AA Meetings in Arthur, Blue Mound, Clinton, Decatur, Mt.Zion, Pana, Shelbyville, Sullivan and Taylorville IL.
For current meeting information please download the Meeting Guide app on Google play or the App store!
Brought to you by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., Meeting Guide is a free of charge app that provides meeting information from A.A. service entities in an easy-to-access format.
What Is A.A.?
Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, and available almost everywhere. There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about their drinking problem.
AA YouTube Channel.
Our Primary Purpose: GSO Podcast.
Available at aa.org/gso-podcast or on popular podcast platforms.
AA Grapevine
Grapevine YouTube Channel
The AA Grapevine Half-Hour Variety Hour Podcast.
Available at aagrapevine.org/podcast or on popular podcast platforms.
You can also find Grapevine on Instagram. alcoholicsanonymous_gv
Southern Illinois Area 21 District 11 meets the 3rd Sunday of
each month at 3:00PM
The Church (formerly Unity Church) 317 W. Decatur St. Decatur, IL 62522
P.O. Box 2484 Decatur, IL 62524-2484
-Literature Available at this time, through your GSR, or by appointment w/Literature Chair.
Decatur Area Intergroup meets the 1st
Wednesday of each month 6:00PM
First Presbyterian Church
204 W. Prairie Ave Decatur, IL
P.O. Box 356, Decatur, IL 62525-0356
Area 21 assemblies are generally the 1st Sunday of March, June, September & 2nd Sunday of December.
General Service Office
Post Office Box 2407
James A Farley Station
New York, NY 10116-2407
Payable to: General Fund or Online
Southern Illinois Area 21
P.O. Box 9226
Springfield, IL 62791
Payable to: Southern Illinois Area 21
District 11
P.O. Box 2484
Decatur, IL 62524-2484
Payable to: District 11